Faith. Stop for a second and think with me. If someone says “I’m a person of faith” or “I have faith” what does that mean (to you?) What do you hear? What do you assume that means of that person. Also, what might they assume you heard out of that? What do THEY mean about themselves? We use so many terms that get thrown around yet could in reality have a long list of variations depending on our individual “languages” or definitions. What we typically do is assume what they said by what we heard, acknowledge what they said by our own definition, probably assume the best or worst and move on! But… if we’re talking about a word as important as “faith”, shouldn’t there be one ultimate definition?
When we talk about faith, having faith, being “of faith” are we all speaking the same language?
This past week we paused on Acts 9:31 – it gives this clear picture of two pillars of Christianity (and the Church) that we can blow right past using our own assumptions as blinders. Fear of God? “Oh yeah, He was super mean in the Old Testament but I think He’s pretty cool now” or “Yeah God is always waiting to smite me for having fun so I just steer clear of church”. Or what do we hear when it says, “in the comfort of the Holy Spirit”? Some of us will have fond memories of that feeling or trust knowing what it means because we’ve had that in our lives, and others will see that as cooky and that the Holy Spirit was only in the Bible and no longer is needed or exists. We’ve complicated following Jesus to the extent that many either don’t bother or many sort of follow Jesus. And while following Jesus (per the stories in the Bible) was sacrificial, and took courage and faith – it was far from complicated.
When we say that the world needs a better story and it’s up to us to tell it – knowing the truth is part of that telling! And if we truly are into something, if we truly believe, if we truly are basing our life and death on a belief, perhaps we should iron out assumptions along the way of this great journey God has given us called life. And this is one of the greatest things that Church and community is for. Ironing out this journey ahead of us in Spirit and in truth.
Acts 9:31 says, “…and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.” It being the Church. Christianity, the Church, the spreading of the ‘good news story of a Savior’ multiplied, grew, BLEW UP as the Church walked in the fear of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Do you absolutely understand what the fear of God is or do you have an assumption? Do you absolutely understand what walking in the comfort of the Holy Spirit is or do you have an assumption? Whatever your answer is – it’s ok. Just own it and decide whether you’d like to stop assuming and instead dive deeper into your Christianity, clear things up, move forward in your faith and get to know Jesus more. I desire for everyone to know Jesus and know Him completely. Not just assumptions that are steered clear of, not just know half of His greatness – but for all of us to grow in our faith by living out this life together deepening our relationship and understanding of WHO He is today and always.
So back to faith – Read that verse one more time as if it were your recipe for success in life. Just as we do with a hobby we love or profession we progress in – what if we grew in our understanding and application of fearing God and comfort of the Holy Spirit like we grow in knowing how to drive a boat or find the right fishing spots? What if we threw ourselves all into our relationship with God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit just like we would throw ourselves into a new job opportunity? Because while faith can be defined as “believing that God exists”, some would also define it “…and that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and was raised back to life in 3 days”, I would contend that BEING a person of FAITH would also include “and His Holy Spirit lives inside of me to comfort me, give me courage, give me wisdom and give me power to take on the Goliaths of this world!”
To me, THAT is having faith. Rate your faith 1-10 and no matter the number, I pray Mercy Shore is a place you feel comfortably challenged to grow in it!
If you missed last week, we talked about some of this revealing how the church has the opportunity to shape the culture.
The world needs a better story, let’s go tell it!