Believe it or not, we covered an entire chapter all in one Sunday gathering! I know, I know – it’s a new record AND it’s honestly one of the oddest, “I think I’ll just skip over this one” stories in there. You know the one – Peter has a vision, a sheet comes down from Heaven, animals in the sheet… what does that mean… eh SKIP! But we didn’t skip it this Sunday and there is SO MUCH in that chapter to not skip. If you missed it – go watch or listen to it! That story was put in the Bible for YOU and YOUR LIFE! It is literally part of how the Bible is “a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path”!
From the character development of Cornelius (a REALLY good guy!) to the obedience and life shift in Peter’s entire belief system to the breaking of SO MANY rules in order for him to obey God who sent him 30 miles away to tell Cornelius and his entire group a better story; The story of Jesus! A story they made themselves available to hear, a story they expected to be from God Himself and because of this availability and expectation and God’s power – they were filled by the Holy Spirit and their lives would never ever be lived the same way again. Being a good guy wasn’t enough – they needed Jesus. WHAT A CHAPTER! Perhaps what we are often times missing in our lives at times as Christians is simply to make ourselves available (wait, in patience), to have a higher expectation of the power of God (faith, deep risky faith), and to surrender to what He will or will not do with us.
With Mike Powers as GrillMaster and many hands at work in the courtyard, we had a great cookout with kids playing, burgers flying, and no rain! We chatted through some updates such as:
- The church is in a good healthy place with the feeling of a family, not an enterprise. Our Sunday morning gatherings are solid and fruitful, our Kid’s Ministry busy making little, prayerful Jesus followers and our youth ministry always making waves on Wednesday nights (for Jesus).
- Financially we have a strong balance sheet, no debt, funds in savings, and are running about break even monthly. We do plan on hiring an operational/administrative position which at our current giving will take us into the negative for the time being but expect that this position will aid and is imperative for future growth.
- We are at a place where we feel growth would be healthy for us with the focus being on development of each other, not just growth to grow but growth deeper than wide. This takes determination and prioritizing so as to not simply grow by numbers. This is nothing new as we’ve focused on being apprentices of Jesus (not just churchgoers) for some time now and this word INDIVIDUAL is part of that. Being in each other’s lives, helping each other in life and in our journey with Jesus – not just a large group gathering for people to come and go.
- Two other words came out of our worship night last week. First being that we be a place where people can experience God. Not just learn about Him, not just experience church – but experience God in our gatherings. What a focal point! And the other is the word Mystery. That we’re not going to get is a full plan or download to follow but we will follow Him into the mystery and He lights our path and our steps. Love it!
- We discussed David and Goliath and how he showed up and fought Goliath in a creative way throwing aside the way battles were fought for decades. He didn’t do it like they always did it, he listened to God’s voice and wisdom and chose 5 smooth stones instead and the rest is history. How is God forming us to fight the Goliaths in front of us? Social Media culture, busy busy culture, anxiety, comparison, lack of community, the de-churched – we have some giants that need to hear the story of Jesus – how might God tell you to go and tell it? Hint – it may not be in the 4 walls of the church (aka the way the battles have been fought for decades)
- Venue – Crown Leadership Academy is in the final stages of locking down the purchase of a new building. It is the same distance for most of us, closer for some, amazing, and has a lot of room for expansion. They’ve already expressed that they’d love for us to come along with them and at this stage of our church, we feel it would be the wisest move. They have been an amazing landlord – we have been good tenants! This move MAY take place January 1 – more will be known in the next 30-60 days!
- Last but certainly not least – it’s time. It’s time for us to take a serious look at the opportunity and mission God’s placed in front of us, walk confidently in the gifts we’re blessed with, and lead forward in our community and beyond. So many families in our area need a better story. They are anxious and need to know Peace. They are desperate and need to know Hope. They are “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” and need to know the Shepherd we know.
I know God has placed a purpose in your heart. I know you have a call on your life, and I bet it’s much bigger than you can imagine! If you’ve never thought about life at that scale – it’s time to! We’ve got a Story to tell, let’s go tell it!